So today starts week two of half marathon training has begun. (I just noticed the grammar errors in that first sentence, but I think it is a good example of exactly what Im writing about. I clearly have two sentences going on there.) Last week I can say, that I was really pumped, and confident about doing new things and cutting excuses out of my life. This week I am realizing that I am really going to have to be mindful of over committing myself, and keeping up with life. One thing that was outlined on the training schedule I am choosing to follow is weight training and stretching. I feel like this will be an important factor in me not hurting myself. I have hip pain, and after doing a little research have found I need to work on toning my tushy to support those joints. So today I attended Butts and Guts, at the gym I belong to, and I can say that I definitely need to keep going because those muscles are weak! Also with that being said today turned out to be kind of busy, and I crammed my after work schedule a little too full. It looked like this, gym, weight watchers, meeting up with a friend, and now its late, I have just enough time to get ready for tomorrow before bed. I did not have time to get my allergy shot, which I normally do on Monday's, and I would not have had time to squeeze my run in, so I got my miles in on my "lunch break." My schedule and all the things I have to do things week are weighing heavy on my mind. I know that I am really going to have to start planning better, and taking a few moments in the day for myself or I am going to fail at this again. Oh and did I mention that I didn't really make anything for dinner, my house is a disaster, and it just occurred to me that my laundry needs to go in the dryer. I have been really having problems with this lately and have had to re-wash clothes multiple times for this reason! But back to failing at this half marathon training... I almost feel like I am more prepared to fail at this, than I am to actually run it. I'm not sure if that is a good thing or not yet. I missed my long run for last week because I was just too exhausted. It was only 3.5 miles, which is 0.5 miles farther than I normally go, so I am hoping it's not too crucial. This weeks long run is 4 miles. I kind of pumped. The thought of running more than 3 miles freaks me out though. I run the same stretch of sidewalk which is 3 miles give or take in any direction that I go. The fact that I will actually have to figure out and plan for that extra mile is going to take a little effort. I am also someone that worries about time, how long things will take, and setting aside enough time to finish. I am thinking that it will need to be something I do in the morning, so that I can get up run my miles and not think about it the rest of the day. I am also having to re-arrange my running schedule and different things because my husband and I are participating in our second mud run this weekend! I am so excited for this! The first one was such a blast. I feel better prepared for this one because I know more of what to expect. My two big concerns are being sore from my long run for the race, or being sore from the race for next weeks miles. I will just have to wait and see.
On another note, I have been having a numbness in my toes again. I had experienced this a few months ago, and after talking with my neurologist, thought it may have something to do with my aspartame consumption. After I cut aspartame out, I hadn't noticed it anymore. Lately every little thing that might be slightly MS related freaks me out. :(.. I am really hoping that it is my crappy running shoes. I guess I will find out later this week, when I hopefully get some new ones!!
A couple of things are on my mind in my mental part of this process are some things Joyce Meyer had said in her Podcasts last week. The first being at first when you have this great idea everyone is backing you, your adrenaline is flowing and you can't wait to begin. But as the process continues all those people have faded and its just you and Jesus making it work. Secondly, something else from a message I heard from her and I believe is mentioned somewhere else in this blog, about adjusting your life. Everyday is an adjustment, and when one curve ball comes your way, you adjust and try to make everything fit again. This is a mental, and physical journey, and I can not wait to see what happens next! I am sure it will be a whole lot of life!!
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