Saturday, October 26, 2013

Detroit Half Marathon... My first 13.1!!

So last week was finally the big week for my first half marathon. It was kind of crazy! The entire week, I closely read over the race guidelines, where to pick my packet up, what I would need to bring, where I would need to go, when the roads would start to shut down, where the water and pit stops were, what the course looked like ect. Since this was an international race that involved crossing from Michigan to Canada, and back my biggest concern was getting stopped at the border. The materials for the race cautioned runners on carrying liquids across the border. I have a hydration belt that I bought at the beginning of my training that fit my passport, and GU packs that I was planning on bringing, and did ultimately. As the days leading up to the marathon got closer, my nerves set in. I had been sick for about 6 weeks leading up to the race, and my training was cut short. The longest I run I had gotten up to was 9 miles prior to race day. I had done a few 6-mile runs in the couple of weeks leading up to it. Along with circuit classes a few times a week. I had read that strength training is good for endurance and injury prevention, and I have to believe it is true with how the race actually went! So two days prior to race day I ventured to downtown Detroit, to pick up my race packet. I went alone, which was fine. I enjoying doing things on my own. It also allows me to wander, take my time, and talk to random people. (I know I should use caution with this, and I do, don’t worry!!) So I get to the Health Expo to collect my packet. I wander around looking at all the gear, and food, and promoters for upcoming races. I stumbled upon one booth for 3:16 athletic wear. Which I have seen online before. They sell dri-tech clothing with bible scriptures on them. On any normal day, I would have never bought anything from them, (because I am WAY to cheap), but something caught my eye. There was a shirt that had the verse 40:31 on it. Which if you are not familiar with it, says, “but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.” Which was one of the verses my mom would say over and over while my dad was sick before he passed. It may have been in his memorial card thing (whatever they are officially called), as well. I talked to the man in the booth for a few minutes, and told him my story, and why this verse had meant so much. He told me a few stories as well, and that he was 5-time iron man competitor, and that his family had volunteered for the relief stations at some iron man events. The one thing he said, that keeps playing in my mind is that during these events participants become so physically and mentally exhausted that sometimes all that’s left is God. I would soon have a little taste of what that was like. So fast-forward 2 days. Sunday (way too earlier in the morning), my husband is driving us downtown to race. (I raced alone, but he was an amazing supporter). I am being my spastic self, messing with the radio, listening to Gospel chorus, and ghetto rap music in bumper-to-bumper traffic. My husband is calm as a calm, and I am trying not to pay attention to the traffic. But in all of the cars around us are people in their running gear, and cars displaying stickers of running distance and achievement. I point and yell, RUNNERS! Yay! My husband shakes his head. So we finally get through the traffic, and park. It is still pitch black, and freezing! We walk to the corrals, and ALLL the way to the end where I was starting. I was one of the last waves because of my slow pace time. So they announce that we need to line up, and I give my hubby my outer sweats, and one last hug before I line up. He looks at me and says, “Don’t cry.” I look back and say, “I’m not gonna cry, this is a run, I wont get emotional.” So as I line up and wait the 20 minutes to run, I am looking all around me, taking everything in. There are so many people, so many conversations, and lots of tall buildings. As I got closer to the starting line and could finally see the countdown for our wave to go, I got a little teary eyed… No tears though! So the first few miles were pretty cool. There were lots of people holding signs, and cheering on their friends and family. As I approached the Ambassador Bridge there were lots of border patrol, and cars waiting to cross the boarder. A lot of them honked and waved, and cheered as the runners passed. Mile 3 on the bridge! This mile was far less scary than I had anticipated. On a normal basis, I hate crossing bridges in the car. But this was surprisingly okay. The water looked beautiful as the sun was coming up. I didn’t get too close to the sides, and crossed with ease. While in Canada there were bands, and radio stations playing music. There was also another amazing view of the water, and the Detroit skyline. As I kept running, I thought I am really doing this, this is amazing.. So as I approached mile 7, the underwater mile back to Michigan a woman began running along side of me. She said, “This is so awesome, I haven’t stopped running this whole time. I think Im going to slow my pace in the tunnel.” I turned to her and asked, what heat were you in. It was a heat that released a few waves ahead of me. At that point I knew I was doing well, and was going to finish under my goal time of 3 hours. I had started after this woman, and had taken a 10-15 minute potty break because the lines were so long, and walked a little, and we were in the same place. So now I am in the tunnel, it is hot, and gross, and honestly creepier than being above the water. I literally just prayed throughout this whole stretch, and ran as fast as my legs would take me. I could not have gotten out of their fast enough. While I was running I noticed the back of someone else’s shirt. It told the story of how she had lost weight, and trained and was here. I congratulated her on her accomplishment as I passed. I thought, we all have a story, and run for a reason. Once I got to the other side, I could breathe, and I was over half way done!! In the next few miles, there seemed to be an eerie silence. Crowds of runners were getting tired, and all the shouts of excitement, and family members with signs had grown strangely dim. As we hit mile 10, I shouted to the half marathoners, we only have a 5k left, let’s finish strong… This energy quickly diminished as I pushed on. Just after mile 11 I could hear a group of men talking to each other. One of them was hitting their wall, and wanting to give up. His friends encouraged him that they were almost done, and he couldn’t quit now. As I passed them, one of them read the verse on the back of my shirt. And repeated, “we will run and not grow weary.” I turned around and cheered them on, and said God give us strength! I prayed a lot during this race, and asked for strength to push on. I gave thanks for the ability to be able to run, and the blessings of all of my family and friends that had supported me throughout it all. At mile 12, I started to realize that I should have ingested another gel pack, but knew I was so close to the end that there would be real food, and didn’t want to take one. I pushed on. I could see the final divider that split the full marathoners from the half marathoners, to the 13-mile finish. Once I turned the last corner, I could see the finish line, and all of the balloons. I told myself, just keep running, but my legs were so tired. For a brief second, I slowed to a walk, and someone in crowd shouted, “You’re gonna walk now, the finish is right there. Keep running!” So I gathered what energy was left and sprinted toward the finish. I finally made it! 13.1 freaking miles! As I finished, we were handed tin foil looking cover-ups, along with food! I heard my husband call my name. I walked to him and gave him a hug over the barricade. It was such an amazing moment! All the doubt, and worry, and nervousness were gone. I was tired, hungry and cold! The only thing left was the strength God had given me and the love of my husband. It was an amazing feeling. It was something I would do everyday if I could! It was such an awesome experience, and I can not wait to do it again!! So this is the story of my first long run. With lots more to come! I have already signed up for another one in a couple of weeks. The joy and excitement that this run gave me, is hard to explain, or put into words. But it is definitely something I can not wait to experience again!

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