Saturday, July 12, 2014

Its Not Really About The Weight, Or Is It?

So the past few weeks I have really been working on some heart issues that have been swept under the rug for a while, and started poking back up. I've been digging into my Bible and praying about them and feel a ton better so its all good! The other day I got to noticing how the same person was talking myself, and someone that was a little heavier, female and about my age. Maybe I am taking it out of context, who knows, but it really seemed this way. This person was talking to the heavier girl, as though she was less than, or stupid, then would turn around to me and completely different. This person was super nice to me, and patted me on the back. Now this person didn't have a mean tone, and the other person did not seem to be offended to how they were talking. It really made me start to think though, was it easier being a fat girl?  I could be funny, and nice and no one looked twice at me. Now when I am funny or nice, it is sometimes taken out of context, and I realize I need to be careful. Careful in that at times you can tell on peoples faces that they think I am being flirty. WHICH IM NOT! I was discussing this with a friend who said she had experience similar things. Not because she is over weight, but because she went from not wearing make up, and casual clothing, to wearing make up and dressing professionally. This bothers me, on so many levels. It has also really made me start to think, do I act this way, Im I nicer to people that have a nicer outwardly appearance? If so, why? Are we not called to love everyone, and treat everyone with the same amount of "niceness" or respect? I am sure it is not just with people that are overweight, but clothing, make up and hair. Too how can I better arm myself to the way others see me, to be filled with Christ's love, and grounded in his purpose, and his vision for me, and who I am so that other's do not have such an impact? Food for thought!

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